Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Hello family. Are you there?
I finally remembered about this blog and that I haven't posted anything. Neither have any of you except a little something from Cyndie.  :)
I was thinking maybe we need to set a goal to have something written from each family by the 5th of each month? Or what do you think? and is there a way to get notified when something new has been posted? I thought there was but I can't find it or figure it out now. Anyway, for me I need to have a deadline to have something written or it probably won't happen. Another fun thing to do might be to share dinner ideas- I know I get stuck in a rut and would LOVE all of your ideas and recipes. And/or share any good deals you find on fun things to do or restaurants or stores. Good deals are always good to share. :)
Our dinner recipe tonight:
Leftovers. Go to the fridge and find whatever you can. Warm it in the microwave and hope it still tastes good.

You're welcome.

Like all the rest of you I'm sure, we're knee deep in school - homework, projects, field trips, etc., soccer practices and games, church activities, etc. Kara just started a new class - it's with Performance Academy and she learns singing and dancing. She's so so excited about it and counts down to Tuesdays. It's adorable. My friend and neighbor from Woods Cross who just moved up here to Pleasant View teaches it.  She's learning Christmas songs and Kate has started the school choir now and they are learning Christmas songs, so we're already very much in the Christmas spirit around here.

Tom had his tonsils out Monday. Today (Wednesday) has been a rough day for him. This might be a very long 2 weeks of recovery. Poor guy.

Our house is going to get painted next week and I'm more than super excited! I can't wait for you all to come see our new abode - just keep in mind its great potential. :) It will be a whole new house once the painting is done. We have installed new can lights and will be getting new blinds and shutters and ceiling fans once the painting is done. I'm excited to have it start feeling like "our" house. I'll post before and after pictures.

Love you all!